Angie fuoco |
Angie fuoco, director (2023-2025)Angie has worked in Federal Government for 35 years with varying levels of hearing loss. For most of her career, she needed, but did not have access to captions in her everyday work. Often Angie finds herself having to “play the enforcer” role for herself and colleagues far too often. She am certified as an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator, Associate Safety Professional, and Hearing Loss Support Specialist, as well. In these roles, she advocate for captions for her own and others’ safety, workplace and general life-access needs. Even in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Disability worlds, captions as consistent access solutions are rarely thought of or too often so poorly planned as to be of full benefit. At every opportunity, Angie try's to change these outcomes and as important, attitudes about the needs for sensory accessible communications. Clear, highly accurate captions are a lifeline to keeping herself and many others who need them safe and connected to the world. Her advocacy for captions will only stop when she does. It is an honor and privilege to serve on the board of directors and extend the message that clear, accurate captions are a necessary component of all modern communications. Carpe Captions! |